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Meet Aunty Fester! Pet Sitting (Pet Sealing) in Hawaii

I was enjoying a little R&R in one of my favorite spots on earth when I found myself in the presence of a seal and once again had the opportunity to pet sit or “pet seal” this beautiful creature. The first time this happened I was introduced to Lucille and Diva who lived on the other side of the island. This time I was soaking up the sun on a beach when suddenly a seal fast approached me from the ocean nearly 2 feet away! Backing away to give her some space, I quickly pulled out my phone and begin filming the seal in action. I was greeted by a security officer who was astounded by the fact that the seal approached me so close. He explained that seals come out on the beach when nobody is around so they can escape the hardships of the ocean to find shelter away from the predators. He asked if I can watch over her to make certain that nobody disturb her while he alerted a non-profit that protects the seals. The Kauai Monk Seal Watch Program is an outreach organization dedicated to the preservation of Hawaiian Monk seals. They come to wherever a seal lands on the shore and create barriers on the beach to care for the seals and prevent humans from interacting with the seals. I was informed of my newfound friends tale of reliance courage and survival. I invite you to read about it down below.

Meet Aunty Fester (AKA K-13)


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