Keeping Hot Dogs safe!

Dogs and heat
Spending excessive amounts of time in the heat can be rough on all of us. Dogs can be especially susceptible to high temperature. When walking dogs in summer, especially here in sunny Colorado, there are some important things to keep in mind.
Dogs can quickly begin to get overheated when the heat is on. The pavement and concrete get excessively hot, sometimes starting earlier in the morning. Getting out and walking fur babies before 10am is ideal, but not always possible. Let’s first figure out when it is too hot to be walking the dog. Pet plan insurance put out this great info graphic to help you decide when it is too hot, and when the rest is high for your walk.
Heatstroke can occur even on a 70° day. Generally in the car. Never ever leave your car unattended with your pet inside. According to the American veterinary medical Association, on a 70° day, just 30 minutes being in a car can raise the temperature to 104°. With the weather we have been having, in 95° day, 30 minutes bring that temperature up to 129°. Never leave the dog in the car.
What about walks? On especially hot days, you should avoid leaving for a walk between the hours of 11 and 3, or even 10 and 4. Those peak temperature hours are when your pup would be at the most risk for overheating.
Remember that your cat wears a full-time for coat. They don’t really sweat. Even if it feels comfortable to earth, just temperatures in the 70s can make your pup uncomfortable. We know early-morning walks are always best. But that’s just not always possible.
So, when those times come up that your pup needs a potty break or a walk in the afternoon, what can you do to keep him happy and healthy?
For an afternoon walk, you should try to stay in the shade as much as possible. But your dog play and wander through dog friendly grassy areas. Make sure there’s no pesticides or fertilizer warnings.
Make sure your dog has plenty of water, fresh and cool. If they need a break, give them one in in a shady area. Allow them the opportunity to drink, but do not force them.
What you should watch for.
Symptoms of heat stroke include panting, drooling, rapid pulse, and frequent breaks during a walk. It can also include gums changing color from red to blue to gray. It can cause depression, lethargy, or agitation. Pretty much, pay attention to anything that seems out of the ordinary for behavior and your dog. If he’s acting like something is up, Something probably is.
If your dog begins to exhibit these symptoms while you are out, get them inside if possible. If not, find a nice shady spot to help them cool off so you can get them back home to help.
If you suspect your dog has suffered from his show, there are several things you can do to ease their pain. If your pet collapses, or just panting uncontrollably call your vet. If not, start with these other tips.
Obviously, the first thing to do is help them cool down. Try to cool down your skin by wedding him with cool, not freezing, water and giving them some air. Again, don’t force your dog to drink. Once they have begun to cool down, take them to the vet for treatment. Sometimes he will appear as though everything is fine, but the damaging affects are still possible. They can be subtle and take a while to set in.
Some other helpful tips.
Add ice to your dogs water bowl. Not only does it cool them down, but I also give them a bit of entertainment. Keep them nice and hydrated.
Baby pools are a great way to give your dog outside time with we ability to stay cool.
Check out some local, or DIY frozen dog treats. There are some great Popsicles, frozen nibbles, even puppy ice cream. These can be a great treat for your dog, and help keep them cool in the hot summer weather.
Pet plan insurance put out this great info graphic to help you decide when it is too hot, and when the rest is high for your walk.