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Alternative medicine for pets


Alternative Medicine 

For Pets—What is It? 


If alternative medicine conjures up images of incense, chanting and sitting under pyramids, you may be surprised to learn that many conventional veterinarians recommend alternative medicine as part of a wellness management program for animals.





Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician is noted for developing homeopathy in the 1800’s. However, the principle for this healing method had been around since early Greek times. Homeopathy is derived from the Greek homoios meaning similar and pathos meaning suffering. Homeopathy is practiced around the world and recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the traditional systems of medicine that should be integrated worldwide with conventional medicine.Some homeopathic treatment is covered by the public health service of several European countries, including France, the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Luxembourg.The Indian government recognises homeopathy as one of its national systems of medicine. In the U.S. there are thousands of licensed homeopathic physicians.


Homeopathy is based on the principle “like cures like.” In other words the same substance that in large doses produces the symptoms of illness, in very minute doses cures it. Administering a very low dose of a substance gears up the immune system and prepares to fight off the attacking illness. This is the earliest theory behind vaccines.


There are over 200+ remedies that are proven. It is usually accepted that with most medications, the higher the dose, the greater the effect. With Homeopathy the opposite is true. Homeopathic drugs are made from animal, vegetable or mineral in an alcohol or water base called a tincture. They are measured by dilution – 1X meaning the tincture has been diluted 1:10 ratio. The higher the X ratio, the more dilute, thus the more powerful. Remedies are listed in a book called Materica Medica.


Human remedies are safe for pets. These remedies are not adjusted for breed, size, weight or age as with other drugs. In homeopathy it is the potency and frequency of administration. Homeopathic remedies may be somewhat expensive but have an unlimited shelf life if they are stored properly. They may be purchased at pharmacies or health food stores. The long-term benefit of homeopathy to the patient is that it not only alleviates the symptoms but it establishes internal order thus providing a lasting cure. This of course does not happen overnight, homeopathic remedies will take some time to restore health.


Homeopathic medicine covers a vast range of approaches. Alternative practitioners and holistic veterinarians often treat imbalances and illness with nutrition combined with specific vitamin, herbal, glandular and nutraceutical supplementation. Other therapies they use address injuries, chronic pain, anxiety and emotional traumas. The goal of alternative medicine is to provide optimal wellness for the whole animal.


citations by Shawn Maxwell


De-Stress Pets this Summer with alternative medicine

Every summer our companions must deal with thunderstorms, fireworks, squealing kids, vacations and more. 

Feel free to dowload this article for more infomation.






The Homeopathic Treatment of Small Animals – Christopher Day

Cats: Homeopathic Remedies – George Macleod, MRCVS,DVSM,VetFF Hom

Dogs: Homeopathic Remedies – George Macleod, MRCVS.DVSM.VetFF Hom

Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care – C.J. Puotinen

Natural Health for Dogs & Cats – Richard Pitcairn, DVM

Natural Healing for Dogs & Cats – Diane Stein

Raystede Handbook of Homeopathic Remedies for Animals – M.Raymonde-

 Hawkins, MBE and George Macleod, DVSM




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