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Happy Cat Camper

Cat Camp 2018

H is for happy. C is for cat and C is for camper. I walked in with a different kind of eyesight, one that excludes barriers such as race, gender, age, status ext… There my 20/20 heart vision sought only big beautiful hearts for animals. My tunnel vision of happy cat campers illuminating from the energy of love and light, were all embracing the total cat mojo vibe. #visionoflove.

I had the amazing opportunity to be part of Jackson Galaxy’s epic cat camp in New York City. As a volunteer I had the privilege to guide and direct fellow cat campers to advocacy programs and show them around the venue of all things cat. I also engaged the public to encourage people to adopt the beautiful kitty cats of NYC. I felt like a cat scout of honor, a cat camp counselor if you will. There I was amongst my colleagues, peers, teachers, students and found my soulmates, BFF’s brothers and sisters. Between the indulgence of cats, cat peeps, and the cat empire I felt like I committed the sin of #catication

Although I cat partied like it was 1999, I was very much inspired by the advocacy for felines and soaked up the knowledge and wisdom from teachers and influencers. I want to step up and do all that I can to help animals in my community, so first things first- advocate the #catpawsitive program through the JG foundation. I’m also stoked to sport the “adopt don't shop" tee while I'm out there doing my dog walks. #partyhard #advocatehard

I had such enriching experience, words cannot describe it so I put together a little movie trailer to tell of my “fur” out cat camp experience -along with a snippet of my song catication :)

In the arms of love light and mojo #teamminoorahbar #teamjacksongalaxy

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