Cat sitters in the house! Colorados' Cat Video Fest 2019

I recently had the privilege to go to CatVideoFest 2019 at SEI FilmCenter with my fellow pet sitter Pet Nanny Jen. We were invited to attend by our pet sitting client who shares our love for felines. I'll be totally honest, I wasn't expecting much. My initial thought was “why would someone spend $11 to watch something they could watch for free on YouTube?”
And I will be totally honest again, it was fantastic. Not only was the show great, and the environment worth it, but the proceeds go to helping cats in need. They partner with local cat charities, and animal welfare organizations, and shelters to identify how best to help the cats in specific areas. Such a great cause, and such a great evening. The theater was totally full of over 100 cat lovers, cat parents, cat sitters. That alone was amazing to me. We sat down, and there was a little discussion with one of the people on the team creating the film. It was awesome to hear the reasoning behind what they created, and to see just how much those things can impact people. Once this show got started, the lights dimmed, you could hear the still of the audience ready to be entertained with crazy kittens.
Some of the videos were new stories about places that have a lot of cats, or where this guy found his stray. That one was my favorite parts of the movie. A young man from Boulder, pretty close to home, was driving down the highway and found a cat walking down the side of the road . He pulled over just to make sure this kid he was OK. What he got was a cat stuck in his engine, a trip to the dealership to take apart his car, a new best friend forever, and the ability to call himself a cat man. The people in the audience had a wonderful love for animals, specifically cats, obviously. But it showed but even with all the negativity in the world, there are still people that are living proof of "paws"itive things. There are people looking to watch cat videos, to put away some of that negative energy, I'm just laugh for a while.
This is something I would definitely recommend to anyone who sees it coming to the area. Even if you're like me an initially think you could just watch it at YouTube. Nothing compares to seeing it with a bunch of fellow cat lovers, hearing them react, likely in a similar way you did. There was a real calm in that room come on that isn't experienced everywhere. And that and the smiles made the whole thing totally worth it.